TMJ Treatment Services — Eliminate Your TMJ
Pain Fast with Pain-Free Non-Surgical Therapy
By Dr. Ken Cirka — Philadelphia Dentist

Do you get migraine headaches and sore teeth and jaw from “grinding” and “clenching” your teeth at night while you sleep?
Get fast relief from tension/migraine headaches and sore teeth and jaw with our TMJ treatment. Dr. Cirka can eliminate your TMJ pain fast with non-surgical therapy.
How TMJ Treatment Works:
“Clenching” your teeth while sleeping can cause painful morning headaches, cracked teeth, and sore muscles in your face, neck and back. This symptom is caused by a condition called Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or “TMJ.”
Dr. Cirka has helped hundreds of TMJ patients who suffer with migraines and worn teeth. Dr. Cirka and his Philadelphia Cosmetic Dentistry staff can provide you with the only FDA approved dental device that fights TMJ migraine headaches without surgery. This TMJ Treatment service is called an “NTI” dental night-guard or mouth-guard.
This NTI mouth-guard works by reducing the clenching force of the jaw for minimizing the source of the pain. By wearing the NTI while you sleep at night, complete elimination of headaches, neck pain, sore jaws and related pain can occur.
Our TMJ Treatment Services Offer You Many Benefits:
- Fast TMJ Pain Relief — Usually within just a few days your TMJ pain will be completely gone. You’ll be relieved that your painful headaches and jaw pain are completely eliminated making you feel great during the day and at night while you sleep.
- Easy and Comfortable to Wear — Your NTI dental device is very small, easy to put on your teeth and not big and cumbersome like a traditional “full nightguard.” You’ll get used to your NTI device and not even know it’s there.
- Increased Daily Productivity — With regular use of your NTI, you’ll find yourself being more productive during the day because you will be pain free, more comfortable and have less tension and stress.
- A Pain-Free Treatment — Fitting your NTI night-guard is a painless procedure requiring no drugs, shots, or surgery.
What Are the Costs of TMJ Treatment?
This TMJ treatment device is very affordable at only $247. Contact us today for your free consultation and we’ll discuss your options regarding TMJ Treatment and our affordable financing options. We look forward to answering all your questions about TMJ Treatment Services.
How do I get started?
Dr. Ken Cirka and the Dental Staff at Philadelphia Cosmetic Dentistry are happy to discuss TMJ Treatment Services with you and answer your questions. Please feel free to call 215.568.6277 for your free private consultation or schedule an appointment online.