What Effect does Sparking Water have on Your Teeth?

There has been a debate recently on whether or not sparkling water is as good for you as plain water. When reading the label of sparkling water there is no mention of sugar or other ingredients so it is difficult to assess if there really is a problem with drinking it. The potential problem with drinking sparkling water lays in the fact that it is more acidic that plain water. The reason that sparkling water has its refreshing fizz is due to the carbon dioxide (CO2) infused in it. There is a chemical reaction that takes place upon drinking the … Read more

Waking up restless and sore? It could be Bruxism.

Do you wake up with a headache? Do you ever experience soreness or tenderness in your jaw muscles? Does your jaw click when you eat?  Do you ever have an earache? Neck pain? Ringing in your ears? If you are answering yes to one or more of these issues, that could mean that you have Bruxism. How do I know if what I’m experiencing is Bruxism? The majority of patients have no idea that they are grinding and/or clenching in their sleep. It is difficult to know if you have Bruxism, especially because you don’t necessarily wake up while clenching/grinding. Below are … Read more