Why Your Teeth May Be Sensitive to Hot or Cold

Tired of avoiding foods and beverages you like simply because of the temperature?  Read on to learn about 6 of the reasons your teeth may be sensitive to hot or cold, which is the first step to remedy! Cavities If there are cavities growing inside of your teeth it can cause them to be sensitive. Often the temperature sensitivity is an indication that the bacteria have reached the nerve inside of the tooth which could mean that the tooth requires a root canal. Gum Infection There is bacteria in everyone’s mouths that can lead to a gum infection in the mouth. This … Read more

Porcelain Dental Veneers: How to Get an Award Winning Smile

Porcelain dental veneers are an incredible tool in cosmetic dentistry. These ultra-thin, ultra-strong pieces of porcelain are shaped to fit over the top of your own teeth permanently and create a beautiful, natural looking smile that will change your life. Porcelain veneers work well when teeth are chipped, irregularly shaped, or discolored. Veneers can also work great with patients that have gaps in between their teeth. One of the most incredible parts of having veneers done is that they only take two visits. On the first visit the dentist will roughen the surface of your tooth, removing approximately one millimeter … Read more

8 Reasons You Need Invisalign Right Now

Why get Invisalign? Straightening the teeth has a lot of benefits besides cosmetics. The straighter the teeth are, the healthier the mouth is. This is true for young patients as well as adults. In the past, traditional metal bracket braces were needed to straighten teeth. Now dentists are very successful in treating patients with clear aligner therapy to correct malocclusion (a bad bite). Malocclusion can come in many forms and cause various problems for people. It is important to have your dentist and hygienist evaluate your bite and determine whether you would benefit from alignment of your teeth. Clear aligner therapy is done … Read more

5 Ways Your Dentist Can Help You Look Younger

A big secret to how to look younger is in your teeth. Looking beautiful is often associated with looking younger and the teeth play a big part in this. Studies show that a smile is the first thing people notice about you. Working with your dentist to either preserve your natural teeth or enhance them is a great place to start in looking younger and being healthier. Prevention is an important part in staying healthy. It is important to brush twice daily, floss daily, and see your dentist regularly for a checkup and cleaning. While prevention is a key role, it … Read more

Fixing a Gummy Smile – What are my options?

Patients often ask if veneers or braces are the right option for them to correct a “gummy smile.” When you come into our office for an free initial consultation, Dr. Ken Cirka and Dr. Jessica Meier will evaluate your smile and see how to best achieve perfection.  “Actually there are several options and considerations that we dentists have to take into consideration to fix this problem,” Dr. Cirka says. Many times when we evaluate patients a main concern is their “gummy smile.” They may feel that their teeth appear small or their gums show too much when they laugh. There is … Read more

10 Ways to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

 There are many different causes for tooth sensitivity. Teeth are considered sensitive when you have something hot, cold, sour or sweet and it causes sensitivity, discomfort or even pain, ranging from a quick zing to a lasting throbbing feeling. Unfortunately this is quite a common problem that people suffer from. We’ve listed the different causes below to help you prevent tooth sensitivity in the future or help you narrow down the reason for sensitivity you may be experiencing today.   1. Over using mouthwash. When used properly, mouthwash is a great tool for helping to keep the oral cavity healthy. … Read more

5 Ways to Keep Healthy – Starting with your teeth!

The gums and the teeth are frequently overlooked important areas of our health. Not only will healthy teeth give you a beautiful smile, they will increase your quality of life.  Protect Your Teeth If you are an active athlete then it is highly recommended you protect your teeth with a mouth guard. This can prevent major damage to the teeth. Additionally if you are clenching or grinding your teeth then you need protection while you sleep.  Clenching and grinding can also cause major headaches and jaw pain.  The dentist will make you a night guard that will protect the teeth from significant … Read more