9 Tips For Choosing the Best Toothpaste

 Have you even been in the dental aisle at the drug store and completely overwhelmed by all of the different choices of toothpaste there are? It can be tricky knowing which toothpaste is the best for your health when there are so many options! This article will help you navigate the dental aisle more easily in order to make the best decision possible. Here are 9 tips for picking the best toothpaste for you: Check the Ingredients for Fluoride  Fluoride is a major tool in fighting cavities. It protects the enamel layer that works to make teeth strong and less … Read more

Oral Cancer: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

The More You Know… The most common places that oral cancer begins invading the body are the tongue and the floor of the mouth. These growths can be serious and are usually a form of squamous cell carcinoma. Often they will spread to the lips and if left untreated the cancer will continue to spread to other body parts. The most common places it will travel to are the lips, floor of mouth, tongue, hard and soft palate, the sinus cavity, cheeks, and throat. As with many cancer the presentation of oral cancer may be the origination or it could … Read more

What Effect does Sparking Water have on Your Teeth?

There has been a debate recently on whether or not sparkling water is as good for you as plain water. When reading the label of sparkling water there is no mention of sugar or other ingredients so it is difficult to assess if there really is a problem with drinking it. The potential problem with drinking sparkling water lays in the fact that it is more acidic that plain water. The reason that sparkling water has its refreshing fizz is due to the carbon dioxide (CO2) infused in it. There is a chemical reaction that takes place upon drinking the … Read more

Waking up restless and sore? It could be Bruxism.

Do you wake up with a headache? Do you ever experience soreness or tenderness in your jaw muscles? Does your jaw click when you eat?  Do you ever have an earache? Neck pain? Ringing in your ears? If you are answering yes to one or more of these issues, that could mean that you have Bruxism. How do I know if what I’m experiencing is Bruxism? The majority of patients have no idea that they are grinding and/or clenching in their sleep. It is difficult to know if you have Bruxism, especially because you don’t necessarily wake up while clenching/grinding. Below are … Read more

Cosmetic Dentistry Explained

Cosmetic dentistry is getting more popular than ever.  A beautiful smile is recognized as an asset to health and success and is important to most people.  Please know that while the American Dental Association does not classify cosmetic dentistry as a specialty of training, cosmetic dentists spend thousands of hours training in the art and through education and experience become extremely skilled and well regarded in this field of dentistry. The difference between cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry is that the procedures done are entirely elected for and approved by the patient. Patients must be well informed and ask questions such … Read more

Fixing a Gummy Smile – What are my options?

Patients often ask if veneers or braces are the right option for them to correct a “gummy smile.” When you come into our office for an free initial consultation, Dr. Ken Cirka and Dr. Jessica Meier will evaluate your smile and see how to best achieve perfection.  “Actually there are several options and considerations that we dentists have to take into consideration to fix this problem,” Dr. Cirka says. Many times when we evaluate patients a main concern is their “gummy smile.” They may feel that their teeth appear small or their gums show too much when they laugh. There is … Read more

10 Ways to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

 There are many different causes for tooth sensitivity. Teeth are considered sensitive when you have something hot, cold, sour or sweet and it causes sensitivity, discomfort or even pain, ranging from a quick zing to a lasting throbbing feeling. Unfortunately this is quite a common problem that people suffer from. We’ve listed the different causes below to help you prevent tooth sensitivity in the future or help you narrow down the reason for sensitivity you may be experiencing today.   1. Over using mouthwash. When used properly, mouthwash is a great tool for helping to keep the oral cavity healthy. … Read more

5 Ways to Keep Healthy – Starting with your teeth!

The gums and the teeth are frequently overlooked important areas of our health. Not only will healthy teeth give you a beautiful smile, they will increase your quality of life.  Protect Your Teeth If you are an active athlete then it is highly recommended you protect your teeth with a mouth guard. This can prevent major damage to the teeth. Additionally if you are clenching or grinding your teeth then you need protection while you sleep.  Clenching and grinding can also cause major headaches and jaw pain.  The dentist will make you a night guard that will protect the teeth from significant … Read more

12 Signs of Oral Cancer – When to be concerned?

Patients ask us dentists about oral cancer, mouth cancer, and oral cancer symptoms and how alcohol, tobacco and smoking contributes to forming cancers. This information will be helpful to you. Oral cancer presents itself in many different ways. Below are some of the most common ways that they appear: – Red and white patches in the mouth or lips – Lumps or swelling on the gums, lips, cheeks, and at the back of the throat – Non-healing of a sore in the mouth or lips – Unexplained weight loss – Difficulty in speaking, chewing, or swallowing – Swollen lymph nodes in … Read more

How Important Is Flossing, Really?

Patients often ask, “Is flossing really that important? I do brush two times a day!” Brushing twice daily with fluoride toothpaste is an extremely important way to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. If you are doing this now, that is wonderful news to hear! Even though brushing is an important step in proper hygiene maintenance, just doing this twice a day may not stop you from getting cavities.     Brushing the plaque from the tooth is helpful, but it is nearly impossible to get all of it this way.   Even patients with the best toothbrush techniques may … Read more